Got a question? We’re here to help.
  • How do I prevent nursing bottle decay?

    Avoid putting your child to sleep with a bottle or by nursing. It is recommended to put water in their bedtime bottle . Also wipe the baby gum with a soft cloth or gauze before you put them to sleep. When your child's teeth erupt, start brushing with a toothbrush (without toothpaste).

  • My child has cavities. Shouldn't the teeth just be pulled because they will fall out anyway?

    Baby teeth holds the space in the mouth for permanent teeth to erupt. If the baby teeth are taken out too early, the permanent teeth often become crowded because there is not enough space for them to erupt. Not only that, it will be hard for your child to eat with missing teeth.

  • My teeth are sensitive to cold. What can I do?

    Highly acidic foods such as oranges and lemons, as well as tea and soda can cause increase sensitivity.  Sensitivity toothpaste, which contains strontium cholirde or potassium nitrate are very effective in treating sensitive teeth.

  • What are dental sealants?

    Sealants are thin plastic coating that covers the grooves and pits on teeth. Sealants form a barrier from food particle being trapped in these grooves and pits causing cavities.

  • Why do I need X-Rays?

    When your dentist takes Xray, he or she not only able to diagnose any cavities but can also diagnose any infections in the bone, gum disease, abscesses or cysts, any types of tumors.

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